Flüge in die USA
Fliegen Sie mit SAS nach Amerika, von Norden nach Süden, von Osten nach Westen. Machen Sie einen Ausflug nach Chicago oder besuchen Sie LA und San Francisco an der Westküste, Atlanta, New York, Boston und Washington an der Ostküste oder Miami im Süden.
SAS fliegt in die USA ab/über Oslo, Kopenhagen oder Stockholm und bietet Flüge nach Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Seattle und Washington D. C. an.
Wir fliegen von allen unseren Zielen in Europa, Kanada (Toronto) und Asien (Bangkok, Seoul und Tokio).
Fliegen Sie in die USA – Erleben Sie den Weltraum in Houston
Im Space Center Houston der NASA können Sie echtes Mondgestein anfassen und den Weltraum durch 400 Weltraumartefakte erleben, die Sie hier finden werden. Spielen Sie selbst Astronaut und erleben Sie, wie es sich anfühlt, in einem der Simulatoren durch den Weltraum zu reisen.
Das Weltraumzentrum verfügt über eine Nachbildung eines Shuttles in Originalgröße, das auf dem originalen Shuttle Carrier Aircraft NASA 905 befestigt ist. Betreten Sie in die achtstöckige Konstruktion und erkunden Sie das Shuttle Independence.
- Hauptstadt: Washington D.C.
- Währung: US-Dollar
- Zeitzone: UTC -4 bis -10/DST: UTC -4 bis -10
- Offizielle Sprache: Amerikanisches Englisch
Roadtrip auf der Route 66
Eine gute Möglichkeit, verschiedene Teile der USA zu sehen, ist ein Roadtrip auf der Route 66, einer der berühmtesten Straßen der Welt. Erkunden Sie Amerika mit dem Auto, der Highway führt Sie durch mehrere Bundesstaaten – vom Ausgangspunkt in Chicago bis zum Ende in Santa Monica. Reisen Sie vorbei an den Neonstraßenschildern und der atemberaubenden Landschaft, während Sie durch das Herz der USA rauschen.
Die Route 66 führte ursprünglich von Chicago, Illinois, über Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico und Arizona, bevor sie in Santa Monica, Kalifornien, mit einer Gesamtlänge von 3.940 km endet.
Wie es im Lied heißt: Get your kicks on Route 66.
APRIL 2023
There’s nothing like the 4th of July with its spectacular fireworks and grandiose parades! Scandinavian Traveler gives you the inside scoop on where to find the most magnificent American Independence Day celebrations.
On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as the 13 former colonies declared their freedom from British hegemony. The next year, the very first Independence Day celebration was held, with patriotic speeches, 13-gun salutes (one for each former colony), parades, and fireworks. Today, Independence Day is an important holiday that is proudly celebrated just like it was over 200 years ago – with fireworks and parades all across the country. Here’s our best tips on where to go in the US to celebrate this important holiday.
New York
Where’s the best place to enjoy the 4th of July fireworks in New York City? Why, right by the East River, of course! This is the place to be if you want to see the world famous Macy’s 4th of July Fireworks – a spectacular fireworks show accompanied by live music and a full orchestra. In 2022, almost 2,000 fireworks were launched each minute, illuminating the night sky with creative special effects like smiley faces and jellyfish. Like last year’s celebration, this year’s is guaranteed to surprise and delight!
A blissful symphony of fireworks and orchestral music. If you’re in Boston, you won’t want to miss the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular on the Esplanade. The discordant bursts of colorful fireworks over the Charles River are accompanied by the harmonious strains of the Boston Pops Orchestra, which serves up everything from delightful jazz to time-tested pop favorites. For the best view of the “Spectacular” event, make your way to Memorial Drive on the Cambridge side of the river.

Photo: Boston, Unsplash
“The Windy City” hosts an annual fireworks show that will blow you away. Navy Pier, on the coast of Lake Michigan, arranges magnificent shows – not only on the 4th of July, but also every other Wednesday and Saturday in the summer months. Of course, the Independence Day celebration is in a class of its own, with choreographed dance performances and live music from popular artists. If you want front row seats, find a spot along the coast near Navy Pier, where you’ll enjoy an incredible view of the awesome aerial display over the Chicago skyline.
Los Angeles
The 4th of July – balmy California weather, a seaside fireworks show synchronized with music... Is that everything you’ve dreamed of? Then head to the Marina del Rey pier next to LA’s famous Venice Beach. The best spots to catch the celebration are Burton Chace Park, Fisherman’s Village, and Marina Beach, but if you want to avoid the crowds, more distant vantage points like Venice Pier, Playa Vista, and Dockweiler Beach are also good options.
If you’re in Miami around the Fourth of July, you won’t want to miss the parade that marches down Key Biscayne’s Crandon Boulevard from Ocean Lane to Westwood Drive. Afterwards, you’ll want to make sure you visit Bayfront Park, which is known for its family-friendly Independence Day celebration featuring live music, DJs, bouncy castles, and food trucks dishing up cuisine from around the world. The highlight of the celebration: the unforgettable evening fireworks show over beautiful Biscayne Bay.
San Francisco
Fisherman’s Wharf, one of San Francisco’s most popular tourist haunts, is the place to go if you want to celebrate Independence Day in style. The fireworks are synchronized from two different launch sites, Aquatic Park and Pier 39, which makes for a stunning effect. You’ll enjoy the carnival-like atmosphere, with mimes and other street performers, live music, and fresh seafood.
Washington DC
One of the largest annual Fourth of July parades, America’s National Independence Day Parade, marches down Constitution Avenue from 7th to 17th Street in the nation’s capital. The festive parade, which includes marching bands, drill teams, fife and drum corps, and uniformed minutemen, passes a number of historical sites and monuments. Tip: Find a spot toward the end of the parade route if you want to avoid the crowds.
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In Ihrer Reiseklasse inbegriffen: | SAS Go | SAS Plus | SAS Business* |
Handgepäck | LightJa* Smart/Pro1 x 8 kg |
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Smart1 x 23 kg Pro2 x 23 kg |
2 x 32 kg |
Fast track** | Nein | Ja | Ja |
SAS Lounge** | Gegen Aufpreis | Flüge von/nach Asien, Kanada und den USA:Nein Flüge innerhalb Skandinaviens/Europa:Ja |
Ja |
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