If your baggage was damaged or delayed, just fill in the information below so we can determine your compensation. Read more about delayed or damaged baggage.
* Required information
What is your claim about?
It's always good to keep in touch. We warmly welcome all kinds of feedback whether it is something you'd like to compliment us on or something that hasn't gone so well – your opinions matters.
For fast and safe handling please use our contact form to get in contact with the correct department. By filling in our form we will make sure that we have all information needed to handled your case.
Our form is encrypted and will be the safest way to share your information with us.
If you want to contact us by post, our address is:
SASCustomer Care195 87 StockholmSweden
SASCustomer CareRoald Amundsens vei 12060 GardermoenNorway
SASCustomer CareAmager Strandvei 3922770 KastrupDenmark
If you need to contact us regarding a future travel or anything urgent you need to contact us by chat or phone.