

我们将在三十 (30) 天内删除您的所有个人数据,但法律要求或允许我们处理的数据除外。

请注意,SAS 无法删除所有个人数据。为了保护您免受欺诈,按照欧洲议会和欧盟理事会的 EC 261/2004 号法规,PNR 数据将不会删除。如果旅客实施了符合国际民航组织“A33-4 号决议:通过关于在民用航空器上所犯某些违法行为(不循规/扰乱性旅客)的国家立法”的行为,则不会删除此信息。

If you don’t have an SAS or EuroBonus account

  • If you don’t have an SAS or EuroBonus account/SAS Travel Pass, your personal data is automatically deleted after your trip except for information that may be needed in the event of a complaint or other legal matter.

EuroBonus account

  • Please note that your EuroBonus membership will be canceled, all of your EuroBonus points will be deleted and you won’t be able to access any information about your past membership.
  • Take advantage of the chance to use your points before you make a request to be forgotten.
  • 如果您是 Point Sharing 小组所有者,您需要首先转移所有权。

SAS Credit cards

  • 如果您的 SAS 信用卡与 EuroBonus 账户关联,您必须在关闭 EuroBonus 账户之前联系信用卡提供商并取消该卡。

SAS travel pass

  • Please note that your SAS Travel Pass will be canceled and you won’t be able to access any information about your past SAS Travel Pass travel.
  • 在您要求被遗忘之前,所有尚未付款的发票必须全额付清。
  • If you’d like to use any remaining SAS Travel Pass trips, you need to use them before making a request to be forgotten.
  • 如果您有关联到公司的 SAS 旅行通,则只有公司才能取消 SAS 旅行通帐户并要求被遗忘。


No, keep my account


You need to log in so we can find your account.
