Flüge nach Zypern
SAS fliegt nach Zypern ab/über Oslo, Kopenhagen oder Stockholm.
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- Hauptstadt: Nikosia
- Währung: Euro
- Zeitzone: EET: UTC+2/EEST: UTC+3
- Offizielle Sprachen: Griechisch und Türkisch
MARCH 2023
Wreck diving, flamingos, ghost towns, and cozy wine bars in the mountains. We’ve put together our best tips for things to do with the family, when you need a break from all the sunbathing and swimming in the turquoise waters of Cyprus.
Wreck diving
MS Zenobia
As you’re coming in to land in Larnaca you can make out a big, dark shadow in the water. That’s the Zenobia – a 170-meter long cargo ship that sank off the coast of Larnaca in 1980, and now attracts scuba divers and snorkelers from around the world.
Walk among the flamingos
Larnaca Salt Lake
Start your day with a morning walk around the astonishing Salt Lake – not far from Larnaca International Airport – and look out over pink flamingos and thousands of other migratory birds. Visit Larnaca during the hot summer months, however, and the lake is more likely to be dry and covered in a thin layer of salt, making Salt Lake a spectacular sight all year round.
Stunning beaches
Aphrodite’s Rock
Surrounded by green spaces and large, white stone blocks is Aphrodite Beach – one of the most beautiful beaches in the area, often used for ceremonies and photo shoots. In the clear, heavenly waters lie a huge stone, where legend has it the goddess Aphrodite was born from the water.

Photo: Unsplash
Mountain trip
Troodos Mountains
The Troodos Mountains, with views almost 2,000 meters above sea level, is the perfect destination if you’re looking for more than just sun and sea on your vacation. Idyllic hiking trails and viewpoints, picturesque mountain villages with locally produced delicacies, and cozy wine bars. These are just some of the highlights to enjoy on a day out.
The ghost town
The Varosha neighborhood in the historical town of Famagusta was once a flourishing vacation destination, but became an abandoned ghost town when Turkey invaded the northern part of the island in 1974. Wander around, book a guided tour, or rent bikes to look around a place full of derelict buildings and hotels – an exciting adventure for all the family.
Luxury breakfast
Lazaris BakeryBar
Stop for a coffee or a bite to eat at the very on-trend Lazaris Bakery Bar. A popular destination for tourists and locals alike on the weekends, it’s a great place to enjoy a luxury breakfast in an authentic setting, right in the heart of Larnaca.
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In Ihrer Reiseklasse inbegriffen: | SAS Go | SAS Plus | SAS Business* |
Handgepäck | LightJa* Smart/Pro1 x 8 kg |
2 x 8 kg* | 2 x 8 kg |
Check-in-Gepäck | LightNein Smart/Pro1 x 23 kg |
Smart1 x 23 kg Pro2 x 23 kg |
2 x 32 kg |
Fast track** | Nein | Ja | Ja |
SAS Lounge** | Gegen Aufpreis | Flüge von/nach Asien, Kanada und den USA:Nein Flüge innerhalb Skandinaviens/Europa:Ja |
Ja |
Speisen und Getränke | Flüge von/nach Asien, Kanada und den USA:Ja Flüge innerhalb Skandinaviens/Europa:Kann vorbestellt werden |
Ja | Ja |
WiFi | Gegen Aufpreis | Gegen Aufpreis | Ja |
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