Flüge nach Thailand

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SAS fliegt nach Thailand ab/über Oslo, Kopenhagen oder Stockholm und bietet Flüge nach Bangkok an. Zu den meisten unserer Reiseziele fliegen wir das ganze Jahr hindurch. Einige Reiseziele sind saisonbedingt.

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Flüge nach <em>Thailand</em>


Ecotourism is more than just a vacation—it’s a unique opportunity to experience the beauty of nature in a way that also reduces the pressure on our planet. Discover snorkeling, scuba diving, and unspoiled coral reefs. With our guidance, you’ll experience Thailand in a more sustainable and meaningful way.

Koh Mak

Koh Mak, right next to Koh Chang, is an island that is often recognized for its focus on ecotourism. To reduce its environmental impact and preserve the island’s natural beauty, the island offers several sustainable accommodation options, such as bungalows on white beaches and hotels powered by solar energy. The island also has plenty of activities and excursions on offer that focus on the beauty of nature.


Beach Bungalows

Lazy Day The Resort

Lazy Day The Resort offers bungalows of different sizes right on the beach. Wake up right next to the ocean and start the day with a breakfast of fresh fruit and locally sourced ingredients. Beach yoga and other activities are also on offer here.

Live in the Middle of Nature

Koh Mak Buri Hut Natural Resort

Koh Mak Buri Hut Natural Resort is a beach hotel with incredibly beautiful natural surroundings and a private swimming pool. The hotel also offers plenty of outdoor activities, such as kayaking, fishing, snorkeling, and more.


Koh Mak is the perfect destination for those who like an active vacation. The beautiful surroundings invite you to take excursions and enjoy unique experiences with a focus on preserving the beautiful environment.

Diving and Snorkeling
Koh Mak is a paradise above and below the water. Here, you can snorkel around the stunning coral reefs that surround the island. There are also several companies that offer scuba diving in the island’s underwater paradise—always following clear, sustainability guidelines.


Koh Mak is perfect for exploring on foot. Beautiful hiking trails lead you through the island’s green landscape—including the Prue Kerd Viewpoint, which takes you to the highest point on the island with incredible panoramic views. This is a great way to get close to nature without harming the environment.

Beach Cleanups

Several hotels and organizations regularly hold beach cleanups to remove litter and plastic waste. This experience gets you close to both nature and culture while contributing to the preservation of the environment.

Visit an Organic Farm

There are several organic farms on Koh Mak that welcome visitors to learn about agriculture and sustainable food production. You can help harvest fruits and vegetables on many of them, giving you a unique experience of the island’s lifestyle.

Koh Kood

Koh Kood is one of Thailand’s most picturesque islands, located in Trat Province. The island is a popular destination for ecotourism enthusiasts due to its unspoiled nature, crystal clear waters, lush rainforests, and stunning white beaches.

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Photo: Unsplash



Koh Kood has several spectacular waterfalls to discover. Klong Chao is the island’s most famous waterfall that can only be reached by hiking through the jungle—an experience in itself. The waterfall is surrounded by rainforest where you can swim and savor being so close to Thailand’s nature.

Mangrove Tour

The island boasts beautiful mangrove forests that are home to several unique species. Book a guided kayak or boat trip through nature to experience the tropical ecosystem up close—an experience the whole family can enjoy.


If you’re keen to discover the island’s rich wildlife, then book a guided tour with the local organization Koh Kood Wildlife Watch. They offer tours that focus on the island’s resident animals, such as monkeys, lizards, and fascinating bird species.


Environmentally focused resort

Soneva Kiri

Soneva Kiri is a luxury ecoresort situated in a tropical rainforest. In addition to offering a range of environmentally friendly activities for its guests, the hotel uses solar energy, implements recycling systems, and has its own water treatment plant that feeds back into the environment.

Beachside Resort

To The Sea The Resort Koh Kood

To The Sea The Resort Koh Kood focuses on offering a sustainable and environmentally friendly stay on the island. Located on a quiet and serene beach, the resort is committed to recycling and energy efficiency.

Quiet and Peaceful Accommodation

Shantaa Resort

Shantaa Resort is located right on the beach, where the use of both solar energy and water recycling systems demonstrate its commitment to ecotourism. It also supports several projects focused on preserving the island’s nature. As a resident of Shantaa Resort, you also have free access to snorkeling equipment so you can discover the beautiful coral reefs that surround the island.

Koh Wai og Koh Rang

Koh Rang og Koh Wai er to mindre øer i Trat-provinsen, som begge er kendt for deres smukke, velbevarede natur og biodiversiteten i havet. Her kan du slippe væk fra hverdagen og nyde de øde strande og det krystalklare vand. Koh Rang er også en del af Koh Chang Marine National Park, der er en beskyttet nationalpark, hvilket betyder, at der er klare regler for at beskytte miljøet. Der er heller ikke mange turister, der har fundet vej hertil endnu, hvilket gør Koh Wai og Koh Rang til to skjulte perler i Trat-provinsen.


Many people visit Koh Rang and Koh Wai as a day trip or as a stopover on a longer tour of the islands. They offer no major commercial accommodation, but there are a few options, such as dive resorts for the scuba enthusiast or simple bungalows on the beach. You can also camp on one of the islands’ beautiful beaches if you want to stay close to nature.



On Koh Rang, many diving schools are dedicated to promoting coral reef conservation, so booking a diving package during your stay is strongly recommended.

Hikes and Beach Walks

Koh Wai is unique because there are no vehicles on the island, and their use is very limited on Koh Rang. These small islands are therefore perfect for exploring on hikes where you can enjoy the preserved beauty of the surroundings and discover the local wildlife.

Yoga at Sunrise

Sunrises in Thailand are something special, and in places like Koh Wai and Koh Rang, where nature is beautifully preserved and the beaches are almost completely free of tourists, they are hard to beat. Combine the stunning view with a long walk on the beach or an early yoga session for the perfect start to your day.


Many people visit Thailand because they want to sip cocktails on a beach in paradise—and who can blame them? However, there are many other experiences on offer. How about whizzing along the back roads of the Thai countryside by bike or learning to surf on gentle waves that are perfect for beginners? Of course, there is also yoga, massages, and Muay Thai (Thai boxing) for those who would prefer these activities.

Thailand is a fantastic destination for those who enjoy life and love the sun. You can eat well, drink well, and enjoy entertainment around every corner. But the country also has much more to offer.

There is a sportier and healthier side to this beautiful country, one that deserves to be discovered by more people. Here, we suggest some of the most appealing options.

Cycling on Small Roads

Anyone who has cycled in rural Thailand will tell you the same thing—if you want to get to know the locals, there’s no better way than to get on your bike and start pedaling along roads well off the tourist trail.

Whether you’re a total beginner or a cycling pro, all levels are catered to when looking for an organizer or route. Unlike watching the Thai countryside whiz by in a car or viewing it in miniature from an airplane window, cycling has exactly the right pace.

“Here, you can ride through amazing landscapes in a wonderful climate,” says Daniel Ohlsson, a Swedish photographer and journalist who has taken part in several cycling tours. “But my fondest memories are all the encounters and the fantastic hospitality. During my last tour, it was harvest time for both rambutan and mangosteen and I finished each day with several pounds of fruit from everyone we met and stopped to talk to.”

Although you might be cycling from Bangkok to Phuket (a popular route), you may not see a single tourist or even a car. Instead, you can expect to find undiscovered beaches, small villages, rubber plantations, and impossibly beautiful views. Plus, the roads are good and it’s not too hilly. And don’t forget the wonderfully fresh and tasty Thai food, which is extra delicious after a day in the bike saddle.

Another great aspect is the camaraderie with the other cyclists.

“When you cycle so far as a group, a special community spirit emerges. Many life stories are shared along the Thai roads—every mile creates friends for life,” says Daniel Ohlsson.

And if you’re worried about whether you can manage a cycling vacation, there are options to suit everyone, including electric bike tours.

Many bike tours to choose from

Thailand Cycle Tours

There are many bike tour operators in Thailand, but Thailand Cycle Tours is one of the best. Go on a six-day electric bike tour along the coast to Samui, or spend eleven days in the saddle from Bangkok to Phuket. They place great emphasis on excellent accommodation and food, and a minibus is there in case anyone is too tired to cycle that day.

Learn to Surf

Thailand is not the place where pros go to find the best surf. However, it is a great destination for those curious about learning to surf thanks to its gentle waves, which also makes surfing in Thailand very family-friendly. Surfing is an activity that is perfect for the offseason, so your trip is easier on your wallet.

So where to start? Phuket and Khao Lak are good surfing spots in Thailand, as there are many surfing schools to enroll in. For the more adventurous, Koh Phayam in the Andaman Islands can also be added to the list. But the point of surfing in Thailand—apart from easy waves and fewer surfers—is everything else that comes with your trip. Before or after surfing, the culture, the food, and the sights are all waiting to be discovered.

Surfing on Memories Beach

Better Surf Thailand

This surf school is in Khao Lak where the long waves at Memories Beach are great for beginners. The best period for surfing is during the rainy season when the winds are a bit stronger, but the rest of the year is good for surfing too—you just need to check the conditions in advance. With Better Surf Thailand, you learn the basics on land first before heading into the surf, first with an instructor and then on your own.

Detox, Massage, and Yoga in Thailand

If you’re seeking to detox in luxury during your vacation, you’ve come to the right country. Thailand is brimming with spas and wellness retreats in a variety of price ranges. From the secluded and authentic The Sanctuary on Koh Phangan to yoga and meditation in Krabi.

One tip for tired travelers who have just landed is to book an aromatherapy massage—it’s just the right type of massage after a long flight. However, it’s best to wait a while before trying Thai massage, according to experts, as it is a deeper type of massage.

A silent paradise

The Sanctuary

You arrive at The Sanctuary by boat because there are no roads to pollute the island. Surrounded by coconut trees on a beach in the middle of paradise, you live, practice yoga, undergo a three- to ten-day detox, and learn “connected breathwork”—all in a setting that does all it can to disconnect you from stress and everyday worries.

Muay Thai – Thai Boxing

Many may have tried Thai boxing at home, but for those who want to step up their game, there is a huge range of Thai boxing camps in Thailand—from very simple and traditional to more luxurious, premium options.

They can be found in Bangkok or by the beach in places like Koh Samui and Krabi, but some of the most reputable camps are in the north of the country, such as Sitjemam Muay Thai in Pai.

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Photo: Unsplash

For pros and beginners

Sitjemam Muay Thai

Several professional Thai boxers and kickboxers, such as Mathias Gallo Cassarino and Silvia La Notte, have trained at this Muay Thai school in Pai. But you don’t have to be a professional to take part in the training—you can also be a beginner. Sitjemam Muay Thai limits the number of participants in its groups so that they can teach properly and assist everyone individually, and in the city of Pai, there are many other activities on offer such as rafting.

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