Flüge nach Tivat

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SAS fliegt nach Tivat in Montenegro ab/über Oslo, Kopenhagen oder Stockholm. Zu den meisten unserer Reiseziele fliegen wir das ganze Jahr hindurch. Einige Reiseziele sind saisonbedingt.

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Ermäßigte Tickets für Kinder

Erleben Sie Montenegro als Familie und bringen Sie die Kinder mit. SAS bietet bis zu 90% Ermäßigung auf Kindertickets, damit Sie Ihre Kinder kostengünstig mit auf die Reise nach Tivat nehmen können.

Flüge nach <em>Tivat</em>


With a purpose-built marina, Tivat in Montenegro attracts many of the Mediterranean’s luxury yachts. It is now a modern and relaxed seaside town reminiscent of Monaco—an upgrade on the distinctly average coastal town that used to be here—and is a perfect base for exploring the whole of Montenegro.

Marina with a luxury feel

Porto Montenegro

Formerly a naval base, Tivat’s marina is now purpose-built to accommodate luxury yachts up to 820 feet long. Get there by taking a leisurely walk along the Tivat promenade and then check out the stunning yachts docked there. Around the marina you can also find a great selection of restaurants, shops and bars.

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Photo: Unsplash

The Blue Cave

Plava Spilja

Plava Spilja, also known as the Blue Cave, is one of the most popular excursions in the area and can be combined with a whole day on the lake. Only accessible by boat, the cave takes its name from the blue glow of sunlight reflecting off the crystal-clear waters.

A picturesque pearl


The medieval town of Kotor has a city center that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a real must-see for anyone visiting Montenegro. The city has a similar feel to Dubrovnik, but is somewhat quieter, for now anyway. Stroll around the Stari Grad (old town) or climb up to the fortress above the city.

Culinary experiences

The restaurant Theodorus is located one street up from the sea and marina. Sit on the outdoor terrace under the shade of a magnolia tree and choose from a varied menu of pasta, salads and grilled meat or fish. But perhaps this is where you should try black risotto, a signature dish of Montenegrin cuisine. The risotto is not actually made from black rice but gets its color from cuttlefish ink.

Hiking in the mountains

Gornja Lastva

A ridge separates Tivat from the Bay of Kotor and makes for a moderately challenging excursion. Put on some good shoes and climb up from the fishing village of Donja Lastva, just outside Tivat. You’ll soon reach the village of Gornja Lastva, with miles of sea and mountain views.

Excursion to a spectacular monastery

Manastir Ostrog

Montenegro’s size means it’s easy to take excursions throughout the country. One of the best is Ostrog Monastery—one of the world’s most visited Christian destinations, and its spectacular location means it’s not hard to see why. Carved out of an almost vertical rock face, it makes an impressive sight. Pilgrims flock here because it is the burial site of St. Basil of Ostrog, an important saint of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

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Immer in Ihrer Reise nach Tivat inbegriffen

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Wenn Sie auf Ihrer Reise noch mehr Komfort wünschen, können Sie für Ihr Ticket ein Upgrade auf die nächste Reiseklasse durchführen. Dadurch erhalten Sie exklusiven Zugang zu Fast Track, SAS Lounges, Priority-Boarding sowie enthaltenen Mahlzeiten und Snacks an Bord.

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1 x 8 kg

2 x 8 kg* 2 x 8 kg



1 x 23 kg


1 x 23 kg


2 x 23 kg

2 x 32 kg
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SAS Lounge** Gegen Aufpreis
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