Flüge nach Dubrovnik

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Flüge nach <em>Dubrovnik</em>

APRIL 2022

The area within the old walls is the part of Dubrovnik that usually gets all the attention. But there are several good reasons to step outside of the gates.

From palace to boutique hotel

Prijeko Palace

Built in 1470, this is one of the city’s most beautiful palaces. Today it is a small boutique hotel, recently renovated by a Dutch couple, which provides a beautiful blend of the historical and the modern. Nine individually furnished double rooms.

Carefully selected wines

Vina Milicic

Dubrovnik’s best wine store is in a great location, in the middle of the ­pedestrian street of Stradun. But this is no tourist trap. Owned by the Milicic ­winery, it provides a carefully selected map of the best wines in Croatia, regardless of whether the grapes are called Malvasia, Posip or Plavac Mali. Don’t miss Milicic’s own powerful red, Dingac.

Red corals

Clara Stones

A store that is dedicated to the ­Mediterranean’s red corals, which ­according to Greek mythology were ­created from Medusa’s blood. Today, just a few deep-sea divers have the right to pick these rarities. You can see how the finished pieces take shape in the workshop.

Local gourmet


Located in the modern city, Pantarul is a local gourmet destination. The menu lives with the seasons and all the dishes are prepared using local produce sourced by farmers from Dubrovnik’s surroundings, especially from Župa and Konavle. Fresh fish is delivered daily and the meat comes from the most reliable, high-quality sources.

Iconic hotel since the 1950's

Grand Villa Argentina

One of Dubrovnik’s most iconic hotels is housed in a private palace outside the eastern walls of the city. It opened in the 1950s. The picture-perfect Argentina straddles a mountainside and its terrace offers a seductive view of the coastline and the archipelago.

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1 x 8 kg

2 x 8 kg* 2 x 8 kg



1 x 23 kg


1 x 23 kg


2 x 23 kg

2 x 32 kg
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SAS Lounge** Gegen Aufpreis
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WiFi Gegen Aufpreis Gegen Aufpreis Ja

*Flüge von/nach Asien, Kanada und den USA **Wenn verfügbar

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