Flüge nach Genua

Planen Sie eine Roadtrip in Norditalien? Sehnen Sie sich nach langsamen Tagen voller Geschichte, Aperitivos und frischem Fisch? Dann ist Genua die richtige Destination für Sie.

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Fliegen Sie nach Genua, um Sonne, Geschichte und einen Aperitif zu genießen

Die charmante Küstenstadt Genua ist ein perfektes Urlaubsziel im Norden Italiens. Genua ist die Hauptstadt eines der größten historischen Gebiete Europas und ein Muss für alle, die an Geschichte interessiert sind. Tauchen Sie in das Ligurische Meer und beenden Sie den Tag mit einem Aperitif und frischem Fisch oder Meeresfrüchten in einer lokalen Trattoria. Folgen Sie der Küste zu den fantastischen Orten Portofino oder Cinque Terre – beide sind perfekte Tagesausflugsziele oder ein Stopp auf einer Autoreise.

Flüge nach <em>Genua</em>

Fliegen Sie mit SAS zum Flughafen Genua und Sie können Ihren Urlaub entspannt und erholt beginnen.

Flughafen Genua

Auch wenn Genua eine weniger bekannte italienische Stadt ist, sollte sie auf jeder Italien-Bucketliste stehen – es ist eine wunderschöne Stadt mit so viel zu erleben. Mit raffinierter Gastronomie, bedeutender Architektur und reicher Geschichte gibt es viel zu erkunden, wenn man Genua besucht.


Discover the vibrant Italian gem of Genoa on the Ligurian Sea that offers the perfect blend of historical sights, impressive culture and unforgettable culinary experiences. From modern art to traditional Ligurian specialties, here’s our guide you to what you simply can’t miss.


Picturesque beach walks

Porto Antico

A stroll through the beautiful Porto Antico is a must when visiting Genoa. The charming port area has a long history that has been transformed into a vibrant promenade with colorful buildings, shops, restaurants and cultural attractions.

Aquarium for families with children

Acquario di Genova

Next to the historic promenade you will find the famous Acquario di Genova. If you’re looking for an adventure for the whole family, this is the place to go. The huge futuristic building houses Europe’s largest aquarium and is home to a whole world of marine life. As many as 12,000 species are waiting to be discovered here, including colorful corals, sharks and exciting underwater tunnels—a full day’s adventure to be enjoyed by young and old alike.

Beautiful viewing spot

La Lanterna

La Lanterna is one of the oldest working lighthouses in the world. The historic landmark has been keeping a watchful eye over the port since 1128 and has become a symbol of the city and its long maritime tradition. In addition to its historical and cultural value, the lighthouse offers stunning views of both the city and the sea.

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Restaurant with history

Antica Osteria di Vico Palla

Antica Osteria di Vico Palla is a restaurant for those searching for the traditional flavors of Ligurian cuisine. The restaurant dates all the way back to the 16th century when sailors and poets stopped here to enjoy the local fish dishes. Antica Osteria di Vico Palla is centrally located next to the port and the menu consists of local, seasonal dishes and fresh fish straight from the sea.

All kinds of oysters

Indarsena Oyster Bar

The Indarsena Oyster Bar is paradise for oyster lovers, with over seven types of oysters on the menu that are opened at the table in true Parisian style. There is also a wide range of seafood, French cheeses and delicious desserts from local patisseries. Best washed down with a glass of wine.

Focaccia on the go

Focaccia & Co

In Genoa, traditional focaccia is served on almost every street corner, but one of the city’s most authentic places is Focaccia & Co, a little hidden gem just a few minutes’ walk from the historic center. The portions served here are large and the selection includes both traditional focaccia with cheese and olive oil and other delicious toppings such as olives, charcuterie and potatoes. Round things off with one of the delicious, freshly baked pastries.


Modern Italian art


The small, independent Pinksummer has been an important player on Genoa’s art scene for almost ten years. Located in the majestic Palazzo Ducale, the gallery curates a dynamic collection of contemporary art and exhibitions featuring works by various renowned artists.

Italian specialties

Mercato Orientale

There are many markets to discover in Genoa but one of the most popular and authentic is the Mercato Orientale, in the heart of the city. Here you can find local specialties such as fresh fish, meat, cheese, vegetables and other local produce—but the market has also become a meeting place for locals and tourists alike who want to discover new, exciting flavors of Italian cuisine.

Baroque-style interiors

Via Garibaldi 12

If you’re a design enthusiast, a visit to Via Garibaldi 12 is a must. The shop, which resembles a baroque-style museum, is located on the first floor of the beautiful Palazzo Campanella. It offers a unique collection of furniture, designer items, porcelain and glass from internationally famous brands. Via Garibaldi 12 is like a treasure chest packed with several rooms of inspiration.

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