Flüge nach Helsinki
Helsinki ist ein urbanes Zentrum mit einer reichen Geschichte und einladender Atmosphäre. Abgesehen von der Kultur und der Geschichte werden Sie hier die freundlichen Einheimischen begeistern, die Sie gerne mit ihren Lieblingsgerichte, Getränken und Geschichten über die Stadt an ihrem Leben teilhaben lassen. Bereiten Sie sich auf das Beste aus Finnland vor.
SAS fliegt nach Helsinki in Finnland ab/über Oslo, Kopenhagen oder Stockholm.
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- Flughafen: Flughafen Helsinki (HEL)
- Währung: Euro
- Zeitzone: EET: UTC +2/EEST: UTC +3
- Offizielle Sprache: Finnisch
Ermäßigte Tickets für Kinder
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Fliegen Sie nach Helsinki und genießen Sie eine lebhafte Küstenstadt
Die im Süden des Landes gelegene Hauptstadt Finnlands stammt aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. Heute bietet diese pulsierende Stadt eine beeindruckende skandinavische Architektur, Museen, die die Geschichte Finnlands und die Seefahrt der Stadt bezeugen und eine Vielfalt zeitgenössischer Kunst.
Wenn Sie nicht gerade auf dem Marktplatz von Helsinki einkaufen oder den aus dem 19. Jahrhundert stammenden Dom der Stadt besichtigen, können Sie auf den nahe gelegenen Wanderwegen von Suomenlinna spazieren gehen.
In Helsinki erwarten Sie unzählige Aktivitäten und es ist für jeden etwas dabei.
Fliegen Sie mit SAS zum Flughafen Helsinki und Sie können entspannt und erholt Ihren Urlaub beginnen.
Wenn Sie in Helsinki sind, sollten Sie nicht versäumen, den im Zentrum der Stadt liegenden Marktplatz Kauppatori zu besuchen. Hier werden Fisch, Blumen und Souvenirs verkauft. Im Winter findet der Markt in Zelten statt, in denen es angenehm warm ist. Ein Besuch lohnt sich zu jeder Zeit des Jahres.
Have dinner in an artist’s studio or relax in a sauna. Go to a concert in an underground church or discover the youthful Finnish art scene. Helsinki has it all and more—a city that’s easy to fall in love with.
Helsinki is the Scandinavian capital that feels both the most exotic and the most modern. Alvar Aalto’s modernist architecture and design mix with Finnish tango and karaoke, while the Finns themselves are renowned for being both austere and futuristic.
It’s a capital city you can discover time and again, with a proud cultural tradition and an exciting—somewhat undiscovered—food scene. Here’s our guide to Helsinki’s top picks.
Three hip restaurants... and a bar
Local delicacies and art
Ateljé Finne
Gunnar Finne was a sculptor and architect and it’s in his old studio that you’ll find yourself dining at Ateljé Finne. The food here draws inspiration from traditional Finnish flavors but with a modern, playful flair. Dishes include fermented potatoes with sour cream and rum and a reindeer steak with Madeira sauce. Everything is enjoyed in the gorgeous venue, surrounded by Finne’s artwork.
Great pizza
For those who have never tried smoked pike pizza, a visit to the lively Pontus—a neighborhood restaurant in Ullanlinna—is not to be missed. Gluten-free options are available here and it is of course possible to order something less unorthodox, like a classic margherita, washed down with crisp, natural wines or Finnish pale ale.
Small dishes to die for
Bona Fide
At Bona Fide, you’ll eat a menu of four or six dishes from a constantly updated and uncomplicated menu. Dishes like marinated eggplant with grape vinaigrette and shiso cucumber salad or grilled venison with spicy kale relish have given the restaurant a well-earned reputation for making well-prepared, affordable food with great care taken when it comes to the ingredients.
Karaoke with the LGBTQ community
Mann’s Street Gay Karaoke Bar
Karaoke is deadly serious in Finland. It was here in 2003 that the World Karaoke Championships were born, and the country has thousands of karaoke bars. At the same time, this is where you’ll find Finns at their warmest and friendliest. The LGBTQ community has its own karaoke bars, like Mann’s Street, where drag queens and illustrations by Tom of Finland welcome you.
Sights, art and saunas
Finland’s national artist
Gallen-Kallelan Museo
If there’s an artist who feels almost welded to the Finnish national soul, it is Akseli Gallen-Kallela. His scenes for the national epic Kalevala are some of his most famous works, but it was in the late 19th and early 20th centuries that he quickly became Finland’s most important artist. His house and studio in Espoo, outside Helsinki, is now a museum that showcases some of his works.
National gallery
The Ateneum, Finland’s national gallery, collects the most important works of Finnish art, besides Akseli Gallen-Kallela (don’t miss the painting Lemminkäinen’s Mother from 1897) you will also find important painters like Albert Edelfelt and Helene Schjerfbeck. The Ateneum was also the first museum in the world to include a painting by Vincent Van Gogh in its collection in 1903, and you can also enjoy paintings by Amedeo Modigliani and Edvard Munch.
Modern art gallery
Helsinki Contemporary
Helsinki has a young and vibrant art scene, and if you want great modern Finnish art, head to Helsinki Contemporary, where there are regular noteworthy art exhibitions. Finnish superstars like Elina Brotherus and newer names like Artor Jesus Inkerö get to showcase their new work—just check out what’s on when you’re in town.
Restaurant and sauna in one
Sauna culture is important in Finland and Helsinki has several large sauna facilities that are open to everyone, and others where a booking is needed. Löyly is one where you need to make a reservation, but then you also get an extraordinary experience as it is also a restaurant with a sea view. Here you can sit in a wood-fired sauna or a traditional smoke sauna followed by a drink and a rentataki. During the summer months, the restaurant is self-service and has a summer menu.
Underground church
Temppeliaukion kirkk
One of Helsinki’s most visited buildings—and there’s stiff competition, it has to be said—is the Temple Square Church, a church carved into a cliff. One tip is to book a ticket for a concert here, as the rough stone walls of the venue produce special acoustics and you get a visually fascinating experience at the same time.
Designer shopping and botique living
Contemporary Finnish design
Klaus Haapaniemi & Co.
You’re bound to visit Marimekko, Iittala and Artek during your stay in Helsinki, but our tip is to pay a visit to Klaus Haapaniemi & Co., located at Kämp Galleria. Haapaniemi is an example of how a younger generation of designers have abandoned functional minimalism and instead create geometric, colorful and organic patterns that can be found on everything from clothing to cushions and wallpaper.
Playful decor and the best bar in Finland
Hotel F
The Runar hotel bar has been named Finland’s best bar and for those who like a drink at their hotel, the centrally located boutique Hotel F6 is a reason in itself. Designed by Jaakko Puro, the interior is playful and chic with blend of colors, shapes and old and new.
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Immer in Ihrer Reise nach Helsinki inbegriffen
Wir von SAS möchten, dass unsere Kunden eine entspannte und komfortable Reise genießen. Unabhängig davon, mit welcher Ticketart Sie reisen, bestimmte Kundenvorteile stehen Ihnen bei einem Flug mit SAS immer zur Verfügung. Immer in Ihrem Flug nach Helsinki inbegriffen sind einfacher Online-Check-in, Kaffee und Tee an Bord sowie die Nutzung der SAS App.
In Ihrer Reiseklasse inbegriffen: | SAS Go | SAS Plus | SAS Business* |
Handgepäck | LightJa* Smart/Pro1 x 8 kg |
2 x 8 kg* | 2 x 8 kg |
Check-in-Gepäck | LightNein Smart/Pro1 x 23 kg |
Smart1 x 23 kg Pro2 x 23 kg |
2 x 32 kg |
Fast track** | Nein | Ja | Ja |
SAS Lounge** | Gegen Aufpreis | Flüge von/nach Asien, Kanada und den USA:Nein Flüge innerhalb Skandinaviens/Europa:Ja |
Ja |
Speisen und Getränke | Flüge von/nach Asien, Kanada und den USA:Ja Flüge innerhalb Skandinaviens/Europa:Kann vorbestellt werden |
Ja | Ja |
WiFi | Gegen Aufpreis | Gegen Aufpreis | Ja |
*Flüge von/nach Asien, Kanada und den USA **Wenn verfügbar
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