SAS Charter
In collaboration with a number of tour operators you can fly charter with SAS to your destination. It is also possible to charter your own SAS aircraft when you want a more flexible and tailor-made experience for a larger group of people.
Charter flights
SAS cooperate with a number of tour operators to help you to discover more of the world. Whether you have booked a package trip or just a seat with them we want to give you our best service.
If you have booked a trip with one of our partnered tour operators and are traveling on SAS flight with number SK7200–SK7999, you are traveling on a charter flight. We have gathered some useful information for you below.
Detailed information
Enregistrement en ligne pour SAS Charter
Vous pouvez désormais vous enregistrer en ligne pour votre vol SAS Charter à partir de 22 heures avant le départ. Ce service est disponible à la fois pour les vols au départ de la Scandinavie et pour les vols retour depuis la plupart des destinations charter. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour procéder à votre enregistrement.
Enregistrez-vous en ligne pour SAS Charter
Charter an aircraft
If you are looking for the fastest, easiest and most comfortable way to travel – why not charter / rent your own SAS plane?
At SAS we have a dedicated and experienced team to manage ad hoc charter request. We believe that each traveler’s experience is singularly important, no matter how big or small your group is.
To request a quote, please complete the form below and our specialist Charter team will get back to you as soon as possible.